Emails Working | Email security | Procedure for Email security.

Emails Working | Email security | Procedure for Email security.

Emails Working, Email security, Procedure for Email security.
Email security
Emails Working.
              Email stands for Electronic Mail. Email is a methodology that involves exchanging of the digital messages from one individual to one or more individuals.
The Email accounts could be accessed via any web browser, or any stand alone email client such as Microsoft Outlook.

Email Security.
1- Always remember that no email communication made is totally secure.
2- Insecure emails allow the hackers to be intercepted.
3- Emails are one of the major source of spreading malware, viruses or any other malicious programs.

Procedures for Securing Emails.
1- Using strong and complex passwords.
2- Use HTTPS for browser connection.
3- Disable "Remember me / Keep me signed in" functions.
4- Avoid unwanted emails using filters.
5- Clear your spams regularly.
6- Digitally sign your mails.
7- Scan email attachments for malware before downloading.


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