Name of Hacking Tools | Use hacking tools | Important hacking tools.

Name of Hacking Tools | Use hacking tools | Important hacking tools.

Name of Hacking Tools, Use hacking tools, Important hacking tools.
Hacking tools
There are 15 hacking tools that you can use in hacking. There tools play very important role in the world of hacking.
1- John the Ripper             8- IronWASP
2- Nmap                               9 - SQLMap
3- Metasploit                     10- Wapiti
4- Wireshark                      11- AirCrack-ng
5- Nikto                               12- Ettercap
6- SQLNinja                        13- Canvas
7- Reaver                            14- Maltego
                       15- OpenVAS
1- John the Ripper.
                                John the Ripper is one of the most popular password crackers of all times. This password cracker is able to auto-detect the type of encryption used in almost any password. It is also one of the best security tools available to test password strength in your operating system, or for auditing one remotely.
2- Nmap.
                     Nmap stands for Network Mapper. It is a free open source security tool used by infosec professionals to manage and audit network and OS security for both local and remote hosts.
It supported some platforms including Mac OS X, Linux, Microsoft Windows.
3- Metasploit.
                              Metasploit is an open source cyber-security project that allows to use different pen testing tools to discover victim software vulnerabilities. It also performs an exploit module development platform. It performs three different versions of software. These includes Pro, Community, Framework.
4- Wireshark.
                              Wireshark is an open source software that allows you to analyze network traffic in real time. Wireshark is widely known for its ability to detect security problems in any network. Wireshark supports up to 2000 different network protocols. It is available on all major operating systems. These includes Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.
5- Nikto.
                  It is another favorite, well known as part of Kali Linux Distribution. This security tool is used to scan web servers and perform different parts of tests against the specified remote host. Its clean and simple command line interface makes it really easy to launch any vulnerability testing against your target.
6- SQLNinja.
                           SQLNinja is a SQL vulnerability scanner bundled with Kali Linux distribution. This tool is dedicated to target and exploit web apps that use MS SQL Server as the backend database server. Written in Perl, SQLNinja is available in multiple Unix distros where the Perl interpreter is installed. It includes Linux, Mac OS X, Mac iOS, FreeBSD.
7- Reaver.
                   Reaver is a great open-source alternative to Aircrack-ng that allows you to audit the security of any Wifi with WPA/WPA2 pass keys. It uses brute force Wifi attack tecniques like Pixie dust attacks to crack Wifi-protected setups through common Wifi flaws and vulnerabilities. 
8- IronWASP.
                            IronWASP is a great tool for ethical hacking. It is free, open source and multi-platform, perfect for those who need to audit their web servers and public applications. It is a GUI- based, and full scans can be performed in only a few clicks. Its includes Powerful GUI-based interface, Web scan sequence recording.
9 - SQLMap.
                           SQLMap is a cool cyber-security tool written in Python that helps security researchers to launch SQL code injection tests against remote hosts.
With SQLMap you can detect and test different types of SQL-based vulnerabilities in harden your apps and servers. Its includes features User enumeration, Password hash recognition and Get password hashes.
10- Wapiti.
                       Wapiti is a free open-source command line based vulnerability scanner written in Python. While, it is not the most popular tool in this field, it does a good job of finding security flaws in many web applications. It includes features Runs in verbose mode, URL extractor from javascript.
11- AirCrack-ng.
                                 AirCrack-ng is a respected Wifi security suite for home and corporate security investigations. It includes full support for 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK networks and works by capturing network packets. It then analyzes and uses them to crack Wifi access. It includes Active Community, Fast cracking speed and Multiple Wifi card support.
12- Ettercap.
                             Ettercap is a network interceptor and packet sniffing for LAN networks. It supports active and passive scans as well as various protocols, including encrypted once such as SSH and HTTPS. Its main features includes Active and passive protocol analysis, Extensible with plugins and DNS Hijacking.
13- Canvas.
                        Canvas is a great alternative to Metasploit, offering more than 800 exploits for testing remote networks. Its main features include Remote network exploitation, Targets different kind of of systems, Download Passwords, Modifies files inside the system and Take screenshots of remote systems. Its platforms includes Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.
14- Maltego.
                            Maltego is the perfect tool for intel gathering and data reconnaissance while you are performing the first analysis of your target. It can also used to investigate the correlation between internet-based infrastructures. It includes Domain names, DNS servers, Netblocks, IP Addresses and Files.
15- OpenVAS.
                               OpenVAS is also known as the old classic "Nessus". It is an open source network scanner used to detect remote vulnerabilities in any hosts. It is one of the best vulnerability scanner. It is very popular among system administrators. Its main features include Powerful web-based interface, Scheduled scans and Graphics and statistical generation.
                  Software companies reap the most benefits from the rise of automated ethical hacking tools and pen testing utilities, giving them more ways to increase system security every day.

1 comment

  1. I hope guys that it is very informative for you. It can helps you in understanding various software that we can use in hacking.


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