Password Cracking
Password Security Attacks | Types of password attacks | Avoid passwords from cracking.
password attacking |
Types of Password Attacks.
There are three types of password security attacks that hackers used to hack your passwords and your important data.
The tools that used in password security attacking are as follows.
Brute Force AttackA hacker uses a computer program or script to try to log in with possible password combinations, usually starting with the easiest-to-guess passwords. If a hacker has a company list, he or she can easily guess usernames. If even one of the users has a “Password123”, he will quickly be able to get in.
Dictionary Attack
A hacker uses a program or script to try to login by cycling through combinations of common words.
“In contrast with a brute force attack, where a large proportion key space is searched systematically, a dictionary attack tries only those possibilities which are most likely to succeed, typically derived from a list of words for example a dictionary (hence the phrase dictionary attack). Generally, dictionary attacks succeed because many people have a tendency to choose passwords which are short (7 characters or fewer), such as single words found in dictionaries or simple, easily predicted variations on words, such as appending a digit.”
Key Logger Attack.
A hacker uses a program to track all of a user’s keystrokes. So at the end of the day, everything the user has typed including their login IDs and passwords have been recorded. A key logger attack is different than a brute force or dictionary attack in many ways. Not the least of which, the key logging program used is malware that must first make it onto the user’s device (often the user is tricked into downloading it by clicking on a link in an email). Key logger attacks are also different because stronger passwords don’t provide much protection against them, which is one reason that multi-factor authentication (MFA) is becoming a must-have for all businesses and organizations.
How they hack passwords.
Hackers frequently steal passwords using a technique called phishing, in which the hacker sends you an official-looking email that directs you to a fake website or form. You enter a password on the fake site, and the hacker grabs the password.
How to avoid from password cracking.
You can avoid your systems from password cracking by using a strong passwords.
Strong passwords are difficult to find and detect that easy and common passwords.
There are some examples common and strong passwords below.
Common Passwords.
These are some common passwords that are used in routine and by using this hackers hack your passwords easily.
These are all common passwords.
Strong Passwords.
Strong passwords protects your system from password hacking. So, you always needs to set a strong password.
Mix mean less Word, number and symbol randomly, and at least 15 length (mix uppercase and lowercase).
Actually, strongest password equals to hardest remember password, for example “E7r9t8@Q#h%Hy+M”
This is the strong password that are difficult to detect.
Pls upload video how to hack fb account password pls