What is Penetration testing? | About pen testing. | Importance of pen testing | Advantages of pen testing.

What is Penetration testing? | About pen testing. | Importance of pen testing | Advantages of pen testing.

What is Penetration testing?, About pen testing., Importance of pen testing, Advantages of pen testing.
penetration testing
Penetration Testing.
                           In the Ethical Hacking environment, the most common term that is often used is "Pen tester". Pen testers are the penetration tester that has permission to hack a system by owner. It is a process of hacking a system with the permission of the owner of that system, to evaluate security issues. Attacks, exploits, zero-day vulnerability, and other components such as threats and daisy chaining.
pen tester
Importance of Penetration Testing.
                            Hackers are skilled, having detailed information of hardware, software, networking and other related information. The importance of penetration testing such as DoS, Identity theft, theft of services and stealing information is common.
If you want to be ready for an attack, you must be smart, to think like them, act like them.
There are some other advantages of penetration testing. These are as follows.
1- To identify threats and vulnerabilities to organize assets.
2- To identify what an attacker can access to steal.
3- To identify what information can be theft and its use.
4- To reduce the expense of IT Security by enhancing Return on Security Investment.


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