What are the basic cmd commands that we used in Windows?

What are the basic cmd commands that we used in Windows?

cmd commands, basic cmd commands
cmd command
Here we use and learn 8 basic commands.
We use these commands to switch between Directories and Folders,
create or delete folders, move and copy files and delete files.
The commands that we use here are listed below.
1- DIR - > see the contents of a directory
     2- CD - > change and switch b/w directories
and folders
 3- CD.. - > Go back to previous directory
or folder
   4- MD - > use make a directory or a folder
  5- RD - > use remove directory or a folder
6- DEL - > use to delete a file
   7- MOVE - > use to move a file
 8- COPY - > use to copy a file

So, Let's Start
First of all, open your cmd command prompt.

You can see that we use "cd.." command.
This command use to get one folder or directory back.

 Here, you can see that we use "dir" command.
This command is used to show the list of all folders or directories on which we currently in.

 If we want to enter in any file or folder,
type "cd filename" command.
Here, we enter are on desktop and we make a folder
type "md filename" command.

If we want to remove the created folder,
type "rd filename" command.

Here, i create a file named as "testfile",
Now, i make the testfolder again using "md" command.
Now, i want to copy that created file into "testfolder".
Type, to copy file "copy filename.extension foldername".

Now, we want to delete the file that we create.
Get back to desktop using "cd.." command.
Then, you delete command to delete file.
For delete, type "del filename.extension".


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