What is trojan? | About trojan | Trojan Concept | Trojan Infection Process

What is trojan? | About trojan | Trojan Concept | Trojan Infection Process

about trojan virus, what is virus, trojan types
Trojan Virus
Trojan Concept.
                Trojan Horse and Trojan are the malicious programs which mislead from its actual intentions. This term is actually derived from the Greek story of great Wooden Horse. This horse had soldiers hiding inside waiting to enter into the city. As the wooden horse reached in the city, soldiers came out and attacked the city.
By using this philosophy, Trojan software misleads from its true intentions and wait for best time to attack. Trojan can also lead to infection of other connected devices across a network.
          A Malicious Program misleading the user about its actual intention is classified as Trojan. These are typically spread by Social Engineering.
Common uses of Trojan Programs are as follows.
1- Creating Back door
2- Gain Unauthorized Access
3- Steal Information 
4- Ransomware Attacks
5- Using Victim for Spamming
6- Using Victim for Botnet
7- Disabling Firewalls
Trojan Infection Process.
                   The infection process using a Trojan is comprised of some steps. This combination of steps is taken by an attacker to infect the victim system.
Create Trojan using Trojan Construction Kit.
Create a Dropper.
Create a Wrapper.
Propagate the Trojan.
Execute the Dropper.
Trojan Construction Kit.
                  Trojan Construction Kit allow the attacker to create their own Trojans. These customized Trojans can be more dangerous for the target as well as an attacker if it is not executed properly. 
Some Trojan Construction Kits are as follows.
Dark Horse Trojan Virus Maker
Senna Spy Generator
Trojan Horse Construction Kit
                  A dropper is a software or program that is specially designed for delivering a payload on the target machine. It uses various methods to spread and install malware.
Trojan Dropper Tools are as follows.
Trojan Dropper: Win32/Swisyn
Trojan: Win32/Meredrop
                   It is a non-malicious file that binds the malicious file to propagate the Trojan. Wrappers are often popular Executable files such as games, music and video files, as well as any other non-malicious file.
                  A crypter is software used while creating Trojans. The basic purpose of Crypter is it encrypt, and manipulate the malware and malicious programs. We use Crypter for hiding a malicious program, it becomes even more difficult for security programs such as anti-viruses to detect. Hackers used it to create malware.
Some of the Crypter that used to hide malicious programs are as follows.
Cryogenic Crypter
Heaven Crypter
Swayz Crypter
Deployment of Trojan.
                   The Deployment process to a Trojan is simple. An attacker uploads the Trojan on the server where it can be downloaded immediately when the victim clicks on the link. After uploading Trojan on the server, Attackers send an email message which consists of a malicious link. When the victim receives this spam email and click on that link, then it will connect it to Trojan Server. Once Trojan is installed on the victim's PC, it will automatically connect to the attacker. Then, it gets an unauthorized access to that PC.


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